Starts from: February 17, 2025 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Campus Location

Bank of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam,Dar es Salaam,TZ,Tanzania

Course Feature
Class Description


Financial education and literacy is a fundamental contributor to financial inclusion and stability. This fosters sustainable economic growth by empowering the population with capabilities for managing personal finance. Despite this critical value addition from financial literacy and education, the financial capabilities of the Tanzanian off-schooling adult population remain critically low. This is exacerbated by limited interventions that are inadequate to influence behaviour change, urban-centric, and delivered in unsystematic and unstandardized approaches.
Therefore, the Bank of Tanzania, through its mandate to promote financial inclusion, ensure financial integrity and stability, as well as being the Secretariat to the National Financial Inclusion Council, has embarked on addressing the off-schooling financial capability challenges. Thus, the Bank is implementing the National Financial Educators Guide, through developing and executing this curriculum for the Certified Financial Educator.
The execution of this curriculum will be through academic, training, and professional institutions designated by the Bank of Tanzania, with prerequisite skills and knowledge on financial literacy and education.

The broad objective of this programme is to ensure systematic, effective, and sustainable delivery of financial literacy skills to the public. This will ultimately ensure standardization and optimization of resources in addressing the gap of inadequate financial capabilities of the off-schooling population.

The programme comprises five (5) modules, which are covered in ten (10) working days in a full-time class mode.

i. CFE01: Financial Numeracy Skills
After completion of this module, learners will be able to
• Demonstrate basic arithmetic skills in personal finance.
• Calculate interest rates on financial products and services.
• Employ numeracy skills for financial decision-making.
• Describe financial service providers for personal finance.
• Describe financial products and services for personal finance.
ii. CFE02: Financial Ecosystem
After completion of this module, learners will be able to
• Demonstrate legal and regulatory landscape for personal finance.
• Demonstrate enabling infrastructure for accessing financial services for personal finance.
• Describe the difference between genuine and fake currency.
• Analyze the clean money process as applied in currency management.
• Describe lawful income-generating activities and work dignity in accordance with the laws of the land.

iii. CFE03: Money Management
After completion of this module, learners will be able to
• Analyze the saving process as applied in money management.
• Demonstrate the budget and planning process for personal finance as applied in money management.
• Analyze the borrowing process as used in personal finance management.

iv. CFE04: Financial Obligation
After completion of this module, learners will be able to
• Describe personal taxation obligations in relation to personal finance.
• Illustrate financial responsibilities in relation to personal financial management.
• Describe unlawful financial activities in relation to personal financial management.
• Examine the risk management process for personal finance.

v. CFE04: Personal Financial Protections
After completion of this module, learners will be able to
• Analyze the long-term financial planning process in personal finance.
• Describe the financial consumer protection process as applied to personal finance.

An applicant for this programme is required to possess at least a Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).

The programme will be conducted in three batches.
• Batch I from 2nd to 13th September 2024 at the Bank of Tanzania Mwanza Academy.
• Batch II from 11th to 22nd November 2024 at the Bank of Tanzania Arusha.
• Batch III from 17th to 28th February 2025 at the Bank of Tanzania Sub Head Office Dar es Salaam.

This training will be facilitated by the Bank of Tanzania Academy.

The Certified Financial Educator Programme targets applicants who are delivering or aspiring to impart financial literacy to the public. These individuals may include sole providers and those working with financial sector regulators, corporates, government entities, parastatal institutions, foundations, clubs and societies, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and other private and public sector service providers.

8. FEE
The fee for each participant is TZS 500,000/- or USD 1,000 for non-residents, covering tuition, course materials, catering, and mid-session refreshments. Participants will be responsible for their travel costs and upkeep. Please make the payment of your fees using the following channel:
Local Participants
Bank Name: Bank of Tanzania Bank Swift Code: TANZTZTXXXX Account Holder: Course Fees Account Number: 9944713006
Foreign Participants
Bank Name: Citibank Bank Bank Swift Code: CITIUS33
Account Holder: Bank of Tanzania Account Number: 36113007

Please apply through the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9DMYSHC at the latest two days before the commencement of the course. In case of any enquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Mukrim Ramadhan through mobile number +255 712 313 299 or email address mhramadhan@bot.go.tz or Ms. Tulla Mwigune through mobile number +255 762 114 297 or email address twmwigune@bot.go.tz